30 abril 2012

Navy mood

Just a few snaps from today´s outfit. The wind was blowing so hard and that´s the main reason why my hair is looking like crap (bleaaah). I told you about this collar some time ago... it´s the first thing I did after learning how the sewing machine works. Aw, and the pants are my latest thrift (love them!!).
P.S. Tomorrow we´re having a family trip to an amazing lake named "Anna" :D. I will definitely take some photos for you! Kisses, lovelies!

Hoy estaba de humor "navy" asi que este es el look que he llevado. Os conte hace tiempo que este collar es lo primero que hice despues de aprender a coser en la maquina-¡espero que os guste! Por aqui ha hecho muchiiisimo viento y esa es una de las principales causas por lo cual mi pelo se ve fatal...
P.S.: Mañana ire de barbacoa con mi familia y estoy super ilusionada porque iremos a un lago precioso que ademas se llama " Anna" jeje. En el siguiente post os enseñare algunas foto de alli.¡¡Besitos!!

I was wearing: T-shirt- no name; Shorts- Mango (thrifted); Collar- DIY;

Last night rain shoot through my bedroom´s window :)

26 abril 2012

Baby blue, almost mint

Hot temperatures are coming back! You can actually feel your skin burning if you spend a while in the sun. I decided to welcome these temperatures in the most pleasent way: going swimming to the indoor town pool tomorrow (can´t wait!!! ).
Oh, about the outfit... the baby blue shirt is my last thrift and I love it. It´s so perfect for sunny days. Bye, lovelies! <3

Esta volviendo ya el calor!! Ya puedes sentir como te calientan/queman los rayos si te quedas demasiado tiempo en el sol. Pero a mi me encanta! Y para dar la bienvenida a estas temperaturas mañana ire a nadar un poquito en la piscina tapada ( ¡¡me muero por ganas de nadar!! )
La camisa que llevo en este post es perfecta para el verano! Deja que pase el viento y da una sensacion de frescor que no te imaginas. ¡Un beso, guapas! <3

I was wearing: Shirt-thrifted; Jeans- Stradivarius; Sneakers-thrifted;


14 abril 2012

Happy Easter!

Tonight I´ll celebrate Easter for the second time this year yaaay (Orthodox Easter).
Happy Easter for those of you who are celebrating Easter tonight too. :D
Lots of love! <3

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

09 abril 2012

Happy Easter!

Hi, lovelies! And "Happy Easter" for those who are celebrating it today (and yesterday, ofc). This year I´m celebrating it twice because my boyfriend´s family is catholic and my family is orthodox. I really like this situation because I love to celebrate things ( all kind of things hehe).
As you can see, today we enjoyed a very warm weather and my sheer shirt seemed to be the best option.

Hola y "Felices Pascuas" para las que las estais celebrando hoy (y ayer). A mi me toca celebrarlo dos veces este año porque mi familia es ortodoxa y la familia de mi novio catolica. Personalmente esta situacion me encanta porque me gustan las fiestas( cualquier tipo de fiesta :D jeje).
Hoy hemos disfrutado de muy buen tiempo por aqui y esta camisa me he parecido ser la mejor opcion para el calor que hacia.

I was wearing:
Shirt- thrifted; Shorts-c/o OASAP ; Ring- c/o OASAP; Shoes- no name;

Sun, wind and my crazy spinning :)))


05 abril 2012

New in | OASAP

I´m beginning to love the postman more and more with every package he brings haha. It´s so exciting to recive little gifts. Today I received these 2 beauties from OASAP. I can´t wait to show you the outfit I thought about including the lace shorts. Big hugs,lovelies ! <3


02 abril 2012


+ my beloved military boots = best casual outfit for going to the cinema today.

This is actually an old one, but still love it. (breakfast)

DIY card for my mom´s birthday :D

I´m learning to sew.:D I already made a peter pan collar and I can´t wait to wear it!

Have a great week!!
