29 septiembre 2011





1. First day of University. 2. Delicious ice-cream. 3. Coca-Cola special edition cans (Happiness)

11 septiembre 2011

Tape record for all this summer´s memories.

September. Time to let summer go, time to say "goodbye" to late nights out, to the ovewhelming heat. And ofc, "goodbye" to spring-summer warderobe-----OR NOT. Why? Because the weather allows us to wear shorts, t-shirts, sandals and much more(or should I say less more? :)) ). So, I just can't be impacient to see the fall-winter collections when I see the thermometer shows 39 degrees Celsius...
Anyway, here I let you with yesterday's outfit.

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I love this tiny tape record. And it cost me just 2 euros.

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City lights and full moon.

Have a wonderful day!

04 septiembre 2011

New header.

Thank you so much, Ana.
This means a lot to me.
p.s. : Miss you. :)

If you want to check out her work, enter here. She´s a big artist and a great person. :)